lhuiman 发表于 2024-4-22 10:26:37


本帖最后由 lhuiman 于 2024-4-23 10:40 编辑


Pinusmassonian 发表于 2024-4-22 10:26:38

Pinusmassonian 发表于 2024-4-22 14:23:18

Pinusmassonian 发表于 2024-4-22 14:30:26

Natsukagura 发表于 2024-4-22 14:39:51

In the first place, the poster submitted this as a prize.
The question is, what's wrong with Pinusmassonian accepting the prize money?

长大 发表于 2024-4-22 15:09:22

长大 发表于 2024-4-22 15:14:33

长大 发表于 2024-4-22 15:16:24

地球守护者 发表于 2024-4-22 15:43:25

Pinusmassonian 发表于 2024-4-22 14:23

Black hearted moderator, by deducting my points, so that I don't help others get CID ac ...

Ha ha, I still before that some words, you use the phone to get a confirmation ID, is your use of the problem, the forum, has been advocating free sharing and free help, is you choose the phone method, and I have nothing to do with it, then, you think, I am a black heart moderator, is it, then, have you ever thought that you comply with some of the principles customized by the forum administrator?It's ridiculous. It's just for the recipient, isn't it? Well, did you post it?No. So, how do you prove it?Unconditional sharing, right, you do not understand, what is free sharing, I explained to you before, will not repeat again, in addition, if you are still the same, forgive me, I am sorry, it is still the same, if you think that I do this, there is a mistake, you can go to the forum administrator, complain to me, revoke all my plate moderator position,thank you

地球守护者 发表于 2024-4-22 15:44:46

Pinusmassonian 发表于 2024-4-22 14:30
Every CID I obtain is obtained through phone calls

Can this be used as evidence?What kind of evidence is Microsoft's Skype?
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