xiaogao 发表于 2022-3-15 15:23:19

Picture Colorizer Pro 3.1.0【黑白照片处理软件】

Picture Colorizer Pro 3.1.0【黑白照片处理软件】

一款专门的黑白照片处理的软件,能够帮助你讲老式的黑白照片进行上色,通过科技的手段来还原那个时代当中的色彩,将你以前家中的照片内容进行上色处理,让你能够看到你父母或者是你爷爷奶奶在年轻之时的样子File size: 97 MBPicture Colorizer is a Windows application that used for black and white photo colorization and old photo restoration. You can use it to colourize and optimize the old pictures automatically. Picture Colorizer also allows users to adjust various parameters of the photo and apply some filters.Colorize
With Picture Colorizer, everyone can generate impressive photo realistic images, even you are not a master of a graphic designer.Enhance
You can adjust the Exposure, Saturation, Hue, Sharpen, Radius, Gamma, and Denoise. We also provide filters for you to enhance old photos.Automatic
The colorizing process is fully automatic, the only thing you need to do is to click ‘Colorize!’ icon, the colorized image will show up in mere seconds.Use Advanced Inpaint feature to repair old pictures
By using the Inpaint feature, you can repair the scratched photo or remove some watermarksUse In-built Brush feature to add color splash effect
Super easy to add color to part of B&W photos and get outstanding resultsHighlighted Features of Picture Colorizer on your PC:AI Algorithm
We are training the AI system to colourize black and white photos.Fully featured
All-in-one old photo editor features. Make everything simple for you to process photo colorization and enhancement.Totally automatic
Picture Colorizer will apply the most correct color selection to objects based on the boundaries and surfaces of your images automaticallyUser-friendly surface
The interface is carefully designed. No learning curves and you can use it immediately.下载链接:Download 百度网盘
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xr12avvjHI9ExmbgZVzdNw?pwd=y2dh 提取码: y2dh转自0daydown

微风7 发表于 2022-3-15 16:46:49

来去自由 发表于 2022-3-15 18:37:39


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zuoanmu 发表于 2023-12-25 09:03:50


zhtvnet 发表于 2023-12-25 09:52:45


jiban 发表于 2023-12-25 11:01:01

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查看完整版本: Picture Colorizer Pro 3.1.0【黑白照片处理软件】